How Long Does Makeup Last? Understanding Product Shelf Life

How Long Does Makeup Last? Understanding Product Shelf Life

, by Lewkin Unnie, 6 min reading time

Ever tossed a barely used blush because you weren’t sure if it was still okay to use? Or have you clung to a favorite lipstick way past its prime? Understanding the shelf life of your makeup isn’t just savvy — it’s essential for your skin's health. 

Here at Lewkin, we’re diving into the deets of how long your makeup really lasts before it’s time to say goodbye. Whether you’re a makeup junkie or a minimalist, get ready to clear up the confusion on expiration dates and make the most out of every product.

Can Makeup Go Bad?

Absolutely, it can! Just like that carton of milk in your fridge, your makeup has an expiration date, too

But it’s not just about a printed date. It’s how the makeup looks, smells, and performs. If your once-creamy foundation goes patchy or that mascara starts to clump weirdly, it might be telling you it’s time to let go. 

Why Is Using Old Makeup Bad?

So, you've dug up an ancient eyeliner from the depths of your makeup bag, and you're tempted to swipe it on. Pause that thought! Using outdated products isn’t just a minor no-no — it can mess with more than just your makeup look

Here’s the scoop on why using old makeup is a beauty blunder you’ll want to avoid.

Risk of Infection

Old makeup becomes a playground for bacteria over time, especially products close to your eyes and lips. Using contaminated products can lead to infections like pink eye or worse. So, if your liquid liner is from two birthdays ago, it’s probably time to bid it farewell.

Skin Irritation and Breakouts

Wondering why your skin flares up for no reason? Check your makeup’s birthday. Expired foundations, blushes, or concealers can lead to clogged pores and nasty breakouts. The older the product, the more likely it is to cause irritation and redness, turning your flawless finish into a flawed fiasco.

Poor Performance

Noticing that your old beloved makeup just doesn’t apply the same? That’s because the formulas change over time. 

Pigments can separate, oils can rise to the top, and what was once a gorgeous, smooth application can become streaky and uneven. Using fresh products ensures you’re getting the look you’re going for every time.

Chemical Changes

Makeup contains ingredients that can break down and change over time, potentially leading to harmful chemical reactions when applied to the skin. This can cause not only immediate reactions like a rash but also longer-term skin damage. Better safe than sorry!

What Does "Product Shelf Life" Mean?

Simply put, product shelf life refers to the length of time your makeup is expected to perform at its best and stay safe to use, starting from the moment you open it. Think of it like a countdown to when a product might start losing its mojo.

The Little Jar Symbol: PAO

That tiny icon of an open jar with a number followed by an "M"? That's the Period After Opening (PAO) symbol. This tells you how many months you can expect your makeup to remain in tip-top shape after you’ve broken the seal. For instance, "12M" means your product should be rocking for 12 months post-opening.

Manufactured Date vs. Expiration Date

Some products list a manufactured date, while others might show an expiration date. The manufactured date is when the product was made. 

It’s handy to know, but the real countdown begins the first time you use it. The expiration date is a more straightforward guide — it tells you when the product is no longer expected to perform optimally, regardless of whether it’s been opened.

How Do You Keep Your Makeup Fresh for Longer?

Got a stash of favorite beauty products? Let’s make sure they stay fresh until the last swipe. Keeping your makeup in top-notch condition extends its shelf life and keeps your skin looking fabulous. 

Here’s how to give your cosmetics the VIP treatment they deserve.

Store Smart

Listen up: heat and humidity are like the ultimate frenemies for your makeup stash. Keep your goodies in a chill spot, away from that nasty sunlight. This isn't just about avoiding meltdown but keeping your makeup’s texture smooth and its performance on lock.

Keep It Clean

Every time you dab, swipe, or brush on that killer shade, think about what else you might be spreading. Keeping your brushes and products clean is your defense strategy against unwanted breakouts and irritation. Regular cleaning sessions for your tools and a quick wipe-down for your palettes will keep your face and makeup spotless.

Tight Lids and Locks

Always check those lids — are they really closed? Air can sneak in and dry out your products, messing with their magic. Make sure every cap and cover is secure to keep your makeup from going rogue on you.

Avoid Sharing

Think twice before you let your squad dip into your makeup bag. Sharing can spread more than just good vibes — it’s a one-way ticket to Germtown. Keep your glam game to yourself, or use disposable applicators if you absolutely must share.

Regular Checks

Every now and then, give your makeup bag a wellness check. Spot any weird smells, funky colors, or “off” textures? It might be time to bid them goodbye. This not only keeps your skin safe but also gives you a perfect excuse to shop for the latest drops.

Love Your Makeup With Lewkin

So, how long does makeup last? Well, it's all about keeping an eye on the signs and following those Period After Opening (PAO) guidelines. 

At Lewkin, we understand the importance of fresh, effective makeup — not just for stunning looks but for keeping your skin in top condition. From watching for changes in texture and smell to keeping everything clean and properly stored, managing your makeup’s shelf life is key.

Ready to upgrade your beauty routine with products that promise peak performance? Check out Lewkin for 100% authentic beauty essentials, complete with perks like no customs, free worldwide shipping, and eco-friendly packaging. 

Refresh your stash with confidence and keep that glow going strong!


Do Makeup and Skincare Products Really Expire? | NYSCC

Risks of using expired makeup | Mayo Clinic Health System

When to toss your makeup and sunscreen | American Academy of Dermatology

Shelf Life and Expiration Dating of Cosmetics | FDA

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